Lisa Jones

25 Mile Challenge

My Activity Tracking


My target 25 miles

I’m taking on Greenpeace's 25 Mile Challenge - can you support me?

I’m taking on Greenpeace's 25 Mile Challenge - can you sponsor me?

I’m taking part in the 25 Mile Challenge this October, joining hundreds of people to raise money for Greenpeace, helping to protect this beautiful planet we call home. It would mean a lot if you could support me with a donation.

Your donation will help Greenpeace to fight the climate and nature emergencies, and to protect our world for people and animals today, as well as for future generations. If we all work together we can defend forests, protect oceans, fight climate change and make a brighter future possible!

Greenpeace never accepts money from companies or governments, so they depend on supporters, like us, to fund all of their campaigns.

Please sponsor me today and help to Protect What You Love, for who you love. Thank you!

My Achievements

Uploaded Profile Pic

Self Donation

Raised First £10

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Increased Fundraising Target

Reached 100% of Fitness Goal (25 Miles)

My Updates

Long shadows

Thursday 19th Sep
I amused myself this morning by noticing my shadow across the fallen leaves! If only my legs were that long, then I’d be home in leaps and bounds!! I’ve been so lucky this week, walking to and from work the weather has been amazing!

The other gate

Wednesday 18th Sep
This evening I tried to take a little detour and returned home by the side gate. I particularly like this one because instead of walking past the other houses on our street I can leave the river and take a hidden footpath that leads up to the fields . The gate is like a secret way home and always makes me smile! It’s where the badgers come and go too, and so it reminds me how our garden welcomes me home but also all the little creatures that use the footpath and it’s hedges too. Total miles: 12

Total: 9 miles

Tuesday 17th Sep
Today felt a breeze! I stopped this morning at a point where I felt on the edge of the city centre. Where the river disappears into the buildings and business of urban life. It’s a good place to pause on the way home too, knowing I’m leaving the working day behind and returning to the place I love best!

The next three miles, make that six!

Monday 16th Sep
I won’t lie. When I finished work after a particularly challenging day I did wish I could just be sat down in my car, driving home. How ever, despite my tired feet and a desire to just sit down I found lots to enjoy on my walk home. The tide was high and the low light sparkled on the water and created silhouettes of the boats bobbing about on the water. It’s all good training for a bigger hike, I told myself, I’ve saved money by not driving today and there was one less car on the road!

Noticing Autumn colours on my way home

Thursday 12th Sep

Day one of ditching the car to walk 25 miles

Thursday 12th Sep
Today was a good day to make a start on my walking 25 miles. No sitting in traffic and no trying to squeeze in the car park at work. 
Instead a lovely walk along the river into the city centre.  I paced it out and arrived at work in good time. Coming home at a slower pace it was lovely to enjoy some sunshine and the first Autumn leaves lying in a fine carpet on the river bank!!

Thank you to my Sponsors






Lisa K

Brilliant Lisa well done!! If you need a walking buddy at any point give me a shout :-)